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Vayuh Wedge

The most predictive forecasts in the world.

In Sanskrit, Vā refers to the element of wind or air, often known for its dynamic nature. At Vā Inc., we are scientists and engineers from the UC Berkeley community with a deep understanding of AI and climate. We are here to build the world’s best weather forecasts and climate change analytics using Physics and AI. Welcome to Vā, a global leader in sub-seasonal predictions and climate risk modelling with a mission to revolutionize climate-based decision-making for industries worldwide.
With our cutting-edge combination of Artificial Intelligence and Physics, we provide the most accurate medium to long-range weather (climate) predictions for stakeholders such as energy markets, insurance, and supply chains. We particularly focus on extreme or anomalous events, as they impact us all.
Engineers on Solar Roof
Vā is on a mission to make this problem easier to solve and help the planet move towards a more sustainable, equitable future. We are also pledged to contribute a percentage of our profits directly to mitigation projects such a rally for rivers, save soil, 1 trillion trees project.

Our Mission

Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing the world.

Extreme & Catastrophic Events

There is an increase in extreme events and catastrophic events which is creating a lot of uncertainty.


This uncertainty poses challenges to businesses that rely on history to drive decisions.

Deeper Insight

There is an acute need for better analytics that provide deeper insight into the uncertainties.


Lastly, there is a clear need for stewardship to not only do adaptation but also large-scale mitigation.

Bridging Mitigation & Adaption

Towards this, there is need for analytics bridging mitigation and adaptation.

How do we do that

Physics, Data (past and future), and AI
Vayuh Graphic
Data from observations, satellite images, climate forecasts, etc…
Powerful AI Models
Physical Laws constraints that we know from climate physics
Hurricane Map
We live on an increasingly volatile planet with many challenges. The idea of transferring risk to various stakeholders will be more challenging in the decades to come.

Our Vision

Reach out to us for any inquiries

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